Ringette PEI Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

Memo for Return to Ringette December 18th


Ringette will return on Friday, December 18th! There is a slight modification to the cohorts within facilities, click for all the info!

Thursday, December 17, 2020

For immediate release to all Ringette PEI Members:

As of Friday, December 18th at 8:00am, ringette will be back on Prince Edward Island! If associations and/or teams are in the position, games and practices can begin Friday evening. If teams are unable to play due to lack of available players, too short notice, or shortage of referees, please inform RPEI Competitions Director, Troy Fraser at troy.fraser@charlottetownringette.com.
The following plan will be in place for the rest of the season:
  1. The game schedule will resume as is on Friday, December 18th for all divisions with the intentions to make up the missed games immediately after the first week in January when the first half of the schedule was set to end.
  2. Tiering of teams in U12 and U14 will happen if and only if all teams have played each other at least once and all teams have played an equal amount of games.
  3. U10 tiering will happen automatically behind the scenes and scheduled as such.
  4. In the event of poor weather or another circuit breaker lockdown during January or February where games need to be made up - the main priority will be placed on playing each team at least once to collect the data necessary to properly divide the divisions into two conferences to then go forward with Provincials in early March.
We are very fortunate to be able to return to our sport with just cohort modifications. We ask that all participants take extra precautions when in our Island facilities, this includes following all facility and Ringette PEI guidelines, sanitizing hands frequently, physically distancing from others, wearing a non-medical mask, and not attending if feeling ill. Contact tracing should be fully completed and submitted to the proper location after every game and practice. Thank you to everyone for your cooperation and patience during this Island circuit breaker! Looking forward to getting back on the ice!

Thank you,
Victoria Leard, Executive Director                                                                            
Mike James, RPEI President

For additional info on arena operations please click the following link:
Clarification on cohorts within Island Arenas

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